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Contrairement aux apparences, la maison Kickshaws tenue par John Crombie et Sheila Bourne est basée à Paris. Travaillant les techniques d‘imprimerie délaissées par l‘industrie ils vont mettre ici pleinement l'impression typographique au service de leur histoire. À partir de la structure d‘une maison, répétée sur toutes les pages du livre, couverture comprise, vont se déployer le texte et les personnages à mesure que l‘on progresse dans la narration.
Maybe you didn't notice but John Crombie and Sheila Bourne's Kickshaws publishing house is based in Paris. Working print techniques forsaken by the industry, they will make good use of the letterpress with this here story. The architecture of the house repeated on every page (cover included) becomes the structure for the text and the characters as the story goes on.
Maybe you didn't notice but John Crombie and Sheila Bourne's Kickshaws publishing house is based in Paris. Working print techniques forsaken by the industry, they will make good use of the letterpress with this here story. The architecture of the house repeated on every page (cover included) becomes the structure for the text and the characters as the story goes on.
When the Cat’s Away...
John Crombie & Sheila Bourne
Kickshaws, Paris, 1983
Impression typographique par Kickshaws
175 x 200 mm, 40 pages
John Crombie & Sheila Bourne
Kickshaws, Paris, 1983
Impression typographique par Kickshaws
175 x 200 mm, 40 pages